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Special Effects
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When special effects are used correctly in films, they will draw an audience into the scene and for a moment they will believe what they are seeing is real which enhances the message being sent. It truly takes some creativity and ingenuity to pull off special effects correctly. In the early days of film people had to truly innovate to create special effects and even. In today’s world we have a lot of shortcuts with the rise of computer technology, but these shortcuts do not and never will replace the creativity needed to perfect them. When special effects are done poorly it is easy to spot and then the message of the film is distorted as the viewer exits the belief in what is being shown. Kind of like putting up an invisible wall.
My all-time favorite special effects ever created comes from the 1993 film “Jurassic Park”. The special effects were so well done that they were very believable and drew me in through the entire movie. They used robotic and animatronic dinosaurs with custom made skins mixed with computer technology, CGI. They also use 3D storyboards which I found interesting, especially compared to my chicken scratch storyboards. Since the making of this movie, special effects have even further advanced and with the progression of technology I am excited to see what films will look like in the next 20 years.
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