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“Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and how it Relates to Multimedia Interactive and Web Design

Douglas Adams truly had a way with words and a gifted imagination that came together to create an amazing book that captivated the minds of millions of people around the world. His inventive and imaginative style took the reader on a true adventure from the demolition of Earth to a trip through the cosmos. Along the way Arthur encounters many different species in different worlds and is forced to quickly adapt along the way while utilizing new technology.

This is easily related to the internet in the way that it is a new universe full of different websites which are like the planets and other spaceships Arthur encountered with each one having its own unique community that required learning and adapting. I can also relate this book to our journey through the lessons in this class Multimedia Communications Interactive and Web Design. On day one most of us came to class not knowing what to expect and luckily like Arthur had Ford Prefect to guide him, we had an amazing teacher to guide us along our journey. As we learned new technology and explored the world wide web while creating our own spaceship web page. We quickly adapted and became comfortable with linking our webpages to other webpages and posting content created on other websites.