Good Design #8

Movie that was used as Propaganda

Propaganda is defined as information that can be biased or misleading and used to promote a point of view. My favorite movie that fits this has got to be Mike Judge’s film “Idiocracy”. Of course, I could just write about movies such as “Reefer Madness” which was a film created to scare people with mis information about cannabis so that new laws could be passed outlawing its possession and use. I could also go in depth about the reasons for it, but I’m not trying to beat a dead horse on an overplayed subject. Instead let’s talk about “Idiocracy” and why the film is not only relevant in today’s world, but also why the message sticks so well and will probably always hold true. This movie utilizes big name actors and a 2+ million-dollar budget to create an epic comedy to convey a point of view on how society is and where it is headed. This combination of use does an amazing job at captivating the audience with a political subject that offends people without any backlash. Because of this the message of inflation and lack of priority on education really takes hold and makes people think, at least subconsciously. While propaganda is usually misleading information, I must wonder if this really qualifies as propaganda given the events of inflation since this movie’s creation in 2006 when a cup of coffee was still under buck. Certainly, this movie may qualify to be a warning of the future.


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