Good Design #8

My 3D Key to Success

I chose the “Curiosity” key to success because I am a very curious person, and that curiosity has led me to seek answers. I have learned so much over the years being a curious person. Upon choosing this key I was tasked with creating it in 3D. I was intimidated greatly by this as I had no idea what I was doing. 3D seemed so complicated and well, it’s kind of is at first. There are so many apps to choose from in which you want to create 3D work and none of them work the same while also not all of them work to be able to import work into Second life. Without an industry standard app to work in, I settled on using a mix of Adobe Illustrator and Blender. WOW, it was easier than I thought to create this key. I scaled it to size and even gave it color and texture. The key looked amazing, and I was so proud of it that I couldn’t wait to show it off. I turned in my key eagerly awaiting feedback. I was astounded to learn that my key was way too big to be in the Second Life app as it had the record largest land impact. Although my key was not a complete success, it was created well and despite the size I still like it. The creation process has shown me what is possible and more importantly, things to consider when constructing 3D objects. I believe the keys in Second Life are important as they continue to inspire new generations who dive into the world of 3D showing them what they can create.


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