Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. – Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980.
The most beautiful experience we can have been the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. – Albert Einstein, The World as I See It, 1949.
7 Universal Design Principles Pages found on Good Design #8
UD Principle 1. Equitable use. Created by Good Design #8
UD Principle 2. Flexibility in use
UD Principle 3 Simple and Intuitive
UD Principle 4 Perceptible information
UD Principle 5. Tolerance for error.
UD Principle 6 Low Physical Effort
UD Principle 7. Size and space for approach and use
Universal Design Principles Pages Created by my Teammates
Starship Nebula Team STEAM Webpages with Universal Design Principles
UD Principle 1. Equitable use. Created by Good Design #8
UD Principle 2. Flexibility in use. (Coming soon)
UD Principle 3. Simple and intuitive. – Created by This Time Machine Kills
UD Principle 4. Perceptible information created by BellaMeeya Multimedia
UD Principle 5. Tolerance for error. (Coming soon)
UD Principle 6. Low physical effort created by Paulsen’s Blog
UD Principle 7. Size and space for approach and use. (Coming soon)