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Color Use

The world is full of colors that we see all around us and they are universally recognized. Colors can influence emotions, greys, blues, greens and purples can be very calming while reds, yellows and oranges can be very exciting. I wonder if Marvin the robot from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was programmed to see in blues and greys or if its depression was just programmed in with its genuine people personalities (GPP) technology.
Colors also are universally recognized to convey messages. We all recognize green to go and red to stop. From traffic lights to traffic signs and even the markings on the roads, no matter what country you travel to you will see the same colors used and will know what they are directing you to do even if you cannot read the written language. Colors are also used to Convey information universally in the workplace such as hazardous materials identification system and warning signs.
When creating a universal design website, it is important to realize the importance of these colors we all recognize as they can help the users navigate and impact the users over all experience. The colors we choose to use can support the content we create and help us to effectively convey our message.