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Moving Pictures Essay
“When I meet God, I am Going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first.” – German physicist Werner Heisenberg.
This quote is fitting for this essay because although turbulent flow is not easy to understand mathematically, it is able to be seen in art. Van Goghs painting of Stary Night is a great depiction of this.
This is a concept that when utilized it will help captivate and intrigue the audience. Turbulence can be used in moving pictures by using animation to visually entertain the viewer while giving audio and visual information. This helps the information be easily retained with a higher attention span.
When we experience well designed moving pictures that contain information, we are interested in it inspires us to learn more and create our own projects. On the other hand, when film is monotone with little to no movement the viewers can quickly lose interest and become distracted by more turbulent outside sources which ultimately do not inspire or educate.
In conclusion, if you are trying to gain a following, make a point, or inspire people then it must be done in a way that captures the viewers’ attention and understanding the concept of turbulence is the best way to do that.