Good Design #8


I think most people get comfortable with their perception of reality and easily get stuck inside of that box. Once upon a time I was a kid who would sit in front of this magical wood box that showed black and white pictures with static distortion, and I thought it was the greatest thing in the world. The magic of that black and white TV had more of an impact than I thought as it also helped to shape my view of the world. I think the word that describes it might be nostalgic. It characterizes a “simpler time”.

Fast forward to today after spending time working with 3D applications and WOW “That’s one giant step for man, one giant leap for mankind” (quote from Niel Armstrong) kind of difference. Before this class, I never realized how much that I thought in a 2D mindset. Now that my eyes are open, I can’t unsee what I have seen. My thought process is different and for the better. For one, my image editing is improved through taking 3D into consideration with object placement and lighting in photographs to create more of a window effect. 3D is also something I am taking into consideration with video in the same way as photography. I will continue using and improving on 3D use as I am sure that I have only begun to scratch the surface of possibilities.


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