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Author: Thomas
My Favorite example of digital 3D design and how it would fit in the OASIS college
My favorite example of digital 3D design is 3D product previews. 3D product previews allow users to interact with the products that they are considering buying. Lenovo has done a great job with this utilizing 3D presentations and animations. Lenovo allows users to zoom in on specific areas of the products and rotate them any…
“Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and how it Relates to Multimedia Interactive and Web Design
Douglas Adams truly had a way with words and a gifted imagination that came together to create an amazing book that captivated the minds of millions of people around the world. His inventive and imaginative style took the reader on a true adventure from the demolition of Earth to a trip through the cosmos. Along…
World Citizen Embracing Universal Good Essay
We are all born into this world dependent on learning what we need to survive from the information that is provided to us. We learn from the environment that we spend time in, and we develop bonds with family and forge new friendships, creating a sense of community. The knowledge we learn in our community…
Animation Enhancement Essay
When I was young, I watched this animation that completely changed how I perceived things around me. It was a bird surrounded by grass, as tall as can be and as the bird flew higher the grass gave way to tall trees in a thick forest with a full canopy. The bird kept flying higher…
Moving Pictures Essay
“When I meet God, I am Going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first.” – German physicist Werner Heisenberg. This quote is fitting for this essay because although turbulent flow is not easy to understand mathematically, it is able to be…
Copyright, Intellectual Property (IP), and Reproduction Rights
To allow a better understanding of the subject matter Its best to define these before talking about them. Copyright is the exclusive legal right given to the original creator or an assignee to use or modify original created content. It is a form of property law that focuses on protecting art. Intellectual Property refers to…
meanings intended or assumed about the Apple Logo. Eve, Adam, Isaac, Alan…
The famous apple with a bite taken out of it. Is the logo a reference to the story of Adam and Eve? Or possibly Sir Isaac Newton for the law of gravity after an apple dropped on his head? If so, then the reason would be simple as the apple in the story is the…
Star Wars and Photoshop Innovation Connection
Star Wars captured the imagination of the world with their innovative techniques that gave way to spectacular visual effects. These special effects were created by George Lucas and his team who had high expectations and found innovative ways to achieve them. This led to the creation of Photoshop and other editing software to give the…
Photoshop and the influence effect
Both this link 8 Times Flat-Earthers Tried to Challenge Science (and Failed) in 2017 | Live Science and this link To 11 million Brazilians, the Earth is flat are great examples of photoshopped images and their effect. Thankfully only 2% of American adults are firm in their belief that the earth is flat while 7%…
Color Use
The world is full of colors that we see all around us and they are universally recognized. Colors can influence emotions, greys, blues, greens and purples can be very calming while reds, yellows and oranges can be very exciting. I wonder if Marvin the robot from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was programmed to see…